
We are SENT!

Community Sunday

February 28, 2021

**Sunday was Community Sunday, and a big topic discussed was how Jesus was using The Table as a commissioning of his disciples to go out and love like Jesus. The Table Talks this week will center around Jesus commissioning us by using the image of The Table.**

1. Looking at the heart of Community Sunday, for all ages to come together at GPBC to worship Jesus together in the same room, ask yourself who are the people that usually are at your table? Is it people that are in your demographic or are there people of all walks of life at your table?
2. Think about how meaningful it is to break bread with people. There is something special that happens when you share a meal with someone; it communicates that you value you them. In that same thought, ask yourself how Jesus can use your own kitchen table as a mission field? (Matthew 28:19-20)
3. Read through John 14:15-31, how does knowing that we have the Holy Spirit as our Helper empower us to love boldly and be witnesses of Jesus to people that God has put in our life?

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