Consider Job

All Shall Be Well

March 22, 2023 • Tim Miller • Job 42

Hope. It has the power to carry us through the darkest of nights. It was hope that carried Job through all the sorrow and anguish that he endured. God authored the end of his story in such a way as to provide us with hope as well. Join us as we conclude our series, Consider Job, and find encouragement that no matter how deep the darkness of night becomes, the day will dawn when all shall be well if we continue to put our hope in God.

Only God is Wise

March 15, 2023 • Matthew McNeil • Job 38—41

Correction.  Is.  Loving.  It says, "I believe you've got more in you.  You're WORTH correcting."  No, it doesn't FEEL loving in the moment, but it IS, and it's NEEDED.  Whether he meant to or not, Job had pitted his wisdom against God's (we do this more than we'd care to admit).  ONE of them was right.  Join us and learn WHY, in every situation, "Only God Is Wise."

The Majesty of God

March 8, 2023 • Dale Jennings • Job 32—37

Everything has been said that could be said, "Or has it?" As Job and his friends talked about his sufferings, "Did anything good come out of Job and his friends' debate, argument, discussion, whatever you want to call it." Did Job sin or not sin? Who knew more about God's justice and mercy? What is the one thing that never changed through the whole conversation? The Majesty of God! Join us on as we will be introduced to another actor in this drama and how everything is directed to the greatness, the wisdom, and the majesty of God!

A Final Plea

March 1, 2023 • Matthew McNeil • Job 25—31

Why Do the Wicked Prosper?

February 22, 2023 • Tim Miller • Job 20—24

Your parents probably told you many times: Life’s not fair! We’ve all wondered why some people get ahead in life when they really don’t seem to deserve it. Has it ever caused you to question what God is doing? Why does the omniscient and omnipotent God often allow the wicked to prosper in this world? Join us as Job helps us consider these difficult questions and shows us that we can trust in the Lord even though life isn’t fair.

Redemption Is Near!

February 15, 2023 • Dale Jennings • Job 18—19

Have you felt like everyone and everything is against you? Every person you turn to for help, friends, family, and even acquaintances that know your situation, turn a deaf ear to your plight. There is one place you can turn to for comfort, direction, and an answer to your circumstance. Join us on to see how hope for all mankind is near, available, and longing to give us that hope!

Miserable Comforters

February 8, 2023 • Tim Miller • Job 15—17

Where do you turn for comfort when life doesn’t go the way you planned? If your answer to that question is anything other than God, then you know what it’s like to have a miserable comforter. We tend to turn to all the wrong places under heaven to find comfort when life turns sour and bitter. Join us as we consider Job’s miserable comforters and learn from his example where true comfort can be found.

God Under a Microscope

February 1, 2023 • Matthew McNeil • Job 11—14

God, Judge and Jury!

January 25, 2023 • Dale Jennings • Job 8—10

God is the creator over all the universe! God established the laws that govern nature and the moral truths that determine what is right and wrong, sin and righteousness. Therefore, he is Judge and Jury over all. Join us as we see the discussion between Job and his friends focus on the justice and majesty of God as it intertwines with the sufferings of life in this broken world.

Man of Sorrows

January 18, 2023 • Tim Miller • Job 2:11—7:21

No man ever suffered like Job, save one. The extremity of Job’s sorrow and anguish points us forward to the suffering of Another. If we want to endure the hardships and sufferings of life in this fallen world, we must consider the Man of Sorrows, whose sufferings comfort us in the midst of our sorrows. Join us now as Job points us forward to a better hope and helps us find comfort in an age of terror and confusion.


January 11, 2023 • Matthew McNeil

The Protective Hedge

January 4, 2023 • Dale Jennings • Job 1

You have probably heard someone make this statement in a prayer. "Lord, I ask you to put a hedge of protection around them!" Is that biblical? Sure is! We see it mentioned in the first chapter of Job. God does protect those that have truly put their complete faith and trust in him. Does that mean that believers never face hardships, suffering, or even tragedy in their lives? Join us as we talk about this idea of, The Protective Hedge.