Jesus, From Death to Resurrection

Jesus Asks: Do You Love Me?

August 27, 2023

Mistakes. We all make them. Huge mistakes. We all make them too! The Apostle Peter knows all about that! His mistakes are chronicled for all time. However, because of the grace and mercy of Jesus, his mistakes were not final and neither are ours. Jesus restored Peter to his role as leader of the Apostles on the familiar seashore of Galilee where it all started. Join us as we see the joy of a new start as Jesus asks: “Do You Love Me?”

Futility to Triumph

August 20, 2023 • Dale Jennings • John 21:1–14

Have you ever been in a situation in your life where you worked and worked and worked and could never get the results you were looking for? You may have said, "This is futile, I don't know what else to do!" Then, Jesus steps in and says, "Let me help." Everything changes! You accomplish the goal that was set before you or maybe your eyes were opened to the reason of what you are going through at the moment and the majesty of Jesus is revealed and all you can do is be silent in his presence. Join us as we see Jesus step into a situation and take what seems futile and bring it to triumph! 

Jesus’ Appearances

August 13, 2023 • D. Kevin Brown • John 20:19–31

There are still those who deny the resurrection of Jesus. Now we see in detail the appearances of Jesus after His resurrection. In doing so, yet again, we’ll see why we can trust the Bible as reliable and authoritative in all matters of life. Knowing Jesus is alive, we’ve now got a job to do: to share the Good News that Jesus is alive! 

Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene

August 6, 2023 • D. Kevin Brown • John 20:11–18

It’s been said that one of the greatest words you can speak to another person is their name. Mary Magdalene would most assuredly agree! Why? Because she was overtaken by grief at the tomb of Jesus. She thought His body had been taken, but it hadn’t. Jesus had risen and to prove it, He appeared to Mary Magdalene first. What a privilege! But, she didn’t realize it was Jesus speaking to her until he said one word: “Mary.” Then she knew! You know, Jesus speaks your name too. He loves you and died for you. Are you listening for your name? Join us as “Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene.” 

Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

July 30, 2023 • D. Kevin Brown • John 19:31—20:10

We’re all going to die. Do you agree? Yes, short of Jesus’ return, death will come to us all. So, how do you feel about that? Are you prepared for death? Does it scare you? Are you concerned? When Jesus died on the cross and was buried, it seemed Death and Satan had won. However, Jesus did what humans can’t do: He took His life back up again by rising from the dead. The significance of that is this: He showed us the way to conquer the sting of Death. Join us and be encouraged, as we see the pinnacle of our faith: “Death and Resurrection.”

The Reality of the Cross

July 23, 2023 • Matthew McNeil

Jesus, From Death to Resurrection

July 16, 2023 • Dale Jennings • John 18:38—19:16

Romans 3:23, says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God!" Meaning, we are all guilty of the sin we have committed against God. We deserve the just punishment from God for our sin. Jesus stood before Pilate as an innocent man! Innocent before God and innocent of all the charges the Pharisees accused him of. Pilate tried his best to set Jesus free, but you see, Pilate, nor the Pharisees were in control of the situation. Jesus came for a purpose! Join us as we begin to look at Jesus' purpose of Death to Resurrection!