Spiritual Guideposts

Learning Through Suffering

October 24, 2021 • Dale Jennings

The Identifying Marks of Greatness

October 10, 2021 • D. Kevin Brown • 2 Corinthians 11:16–23

How would you define “greatness?” Being famous? Making a lot of money? Having your name on the side of a building? Certainly, in the eyes of the world, those things might indicate greatness? But, what about in the eyes of God? Join us as we deep-dive into the life of the Apostle Paul and so true greatness as we look at: “The Identifying Marks of Greatness.”

Don’t Be Misled

October 3, 2021 • D. Kevin Brown

Protecting the Church

September 26, 2021 • D. Kevin Brown • 2 Corinthians 11:1–6, 2 Corinthians 11:13–15

Just as a husband wants to protect his bride from harm, the Apostle Paul wanted to protect the Corinthians from the dangerous lies and deceit being purported as church within the church. Paul was determined to identify for the Corinthians the fact that a “false gospel” was being preached to them. This process was painful for Paul and the Corinthians, yet the purity of the Gospel was at stake. Join us as we see the importance of “Protecting the Church,” and the truth of the Gospel.

How to Measure Spiritual Maturity

September 19, 2021 • D. Kevin Brown • 2 Corinthians 10:12–18

How would you answer this question: “Am I Spiritually Mature? The Apostle Paul has come to the place with the Corinthian church that he had to ask that piercing question. He had to force a deep and long look into the spiritual health of the believers in Corinth. Paul was greatly concerned that he couldn't move on from Corinth to other areas (towns/cities) because they would fall apart spiritually. Join us we talk about “How to Measure Spiritual Maturity,” and see how we may grow and expand our area of influence for Jesus!

Following Godly Leadership

September 12, 2021 • D. Kevin Brown • 2 Corinthians 10:7–11

The Corinthian Church had a big decision to make. Would they follow the Apostle Paul’s leadership or the false teachers? Paul was being accused of being weak in person, while severely strong in his letters. Was that true? Join us as we see how Paul is going to set the record straight and defend his Apostleship as we see the importance of: “Following Godly Leadership.”

Spiritual Guideposts

September 5, 2021 • D. Kevin Brown • 2 Corinthians 10:1–6

For some people there is a fascination with Satan, for others, they question his existence. Well, Satan is very real! His desire is to cripple the believer in Christ and doom the unbeliever to an eternity in Hell with him. Join us Sunday as we begin a new series: "Spiritual Guideposts" and we see how we can live our lives in victory instead of defeat as we seek to “Destroy Satanic Strongholds.”