The Role of the Holy Spirit

April 30, 2023 • D. Kevin Brown • John 16:8–11

There are many misconceptions today about the Holy Spirit and who He is. The Holy Spirit is not an “it” and the Holy Spirit is not a “force.” The Holy Spirit is a “He,” and He is the Third Person of God. He has distinct roles, just as Jesus does and the Father does. Join us as we begin a new series titled: “The Role of the Holy Spirit,” and we learn how the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgment.

Jesus Overcomes the World

May 21, 2023 • D. Kevin Brown • John 16:23–33

Many people look at the condition of our country and world today and feel hopeless and despondent. Things look bad and there’s no denying that. However, Jesus was quite clear in His optimism when He told His disciples: “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Join us as we see the power of Jesus’ words fleshed out in ways that will encourage and inspire as we see how: “Jesus Overcomes the World.”  

From Sorrow to Joy

May 14, 2023 • D. Kevin Brown • John 16:16–22

“No one will take your joy from you.” Oh, what comforting words Jesus offered to His disciples as they were headed to Gethsemane and immense sorrow and pain. Jesus was preparing them for heartache by reminding them that pain and sorrow will not last. Maybe that’s you. You are suffering in pain and sorrow today, but there is joy in Jesus when we trust Him in the midst of our trials. Join us as we are comforted by the words of Jesus as we see: “From Sorrow to Joy.” 

The Holy Spirit Reveals All Truth

May 7, 2023 • D. Kevin Brown • John 16:12–15

Truth. What a precious thing! In a world full of lies, it’s wonderful when we see and hear the truth. Jesus told His Apostles that He would send the Holy Sprit to “reveal all truth.” The Holy Spirit did exactly that as He used 40 authors to scribe the words of God, all truth, to humanity. However, there is a major battle raging even now in Christendom about how to interpret the Bible in regards to hot-button issues. Are we to look to the pages of Scripture to guide us or should we trust what we feel? Join us as we see: “The Holy Spirit Reveals All Truth.”