I Have Loved You

October 13, 2021 • Matthew McNeil • Malachi 1:1–5

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The Difference Faith Makes

December 8, 2021 • Matthew McNeil • Malachi 3:16–18, Malachi 4

Are You Robbing God?

December 1, 2021 • Dale Jennings • Malachi 3:6–15

God has given us His Son. He is our provider, and He does not change. Yet we so often live as though these fragile and frail lives are our own. When we do, we are robbing God. Join us as we ask ourselves the hard question, “Am I robbing God?”

The Purifying Work of Jesus!

November 17, 2021 • Dale Jennings • Malachi 2:17—3:5

Purity isn't a goal that's usually considered in many aspects of our lives or society today. However, that's what God has always sought for each and everyone of us. Join us as Malachi calls for repentance and introduces us to two more messengers who God called to proclaim repentance to a sinful world.