The Consequences of Complacency

June 21, 2023 • Tim Miller • Genesis 34

Jacob has finally made it back to the promised land. What a relief! That means he can settle in and grow complacent in his faith, right? Wrong! He was just as much in need of God’s grace in the land of promise as he was in Laban’s household or in his encounter with his brother, Esau. Join us as we learn the hard lessons of what can happen when we stop relying on the Lord and slip into spiritual complacency.

A Changed Life

June 28, 2023 • Dale Jennings • Genesis 35—36

God calls us to live a sanctified, holy life set apart from the world. This is definitely a process that takes time in our lives. It all begins with being obedient to the Lord and his commands. Jacob's life was like a roller coaster in his relationship with the Lord, up and down, up and down. You know what! That can be us too! Join us as we see how Jacob's life has changed and we too can learn how to truly have, A Changed Life because of being obedient to the Lord.

God's Name Known

June 7, 2023 • Matthew McNeil

Fear Not, For I Am With You

May 31, 2023 • Dale Jennings • Genesis 32

Fear is a very strong emotion! We would be lying if any of us said that we have never felt fear in our lives. Fear can affect us in one of two ways. It can either paralyze us to the point we can barely function, or it can drive us to seek God and lean into him as we understand God is sovereign over all our circumstances, and we really don't have control over much of anything. Join us as we learn what God teaches us so many times in Scripture, Fear Not, for I am with you!