Jesus Betrayed

June 25, 2023 • D. Kevin Brown • John 18:1–11

Have you ever been betrayed? Sure you have. It hurts. Really badly! Jesus knows all about it. Judas, one of His own, the Treasurer of the group, turned on Jesus in a horrible betrayal. Why? What leads people to go down dark paths of destruction and what can we learn from Judas’ betrayal that can help us to be strong in the face of temptation? Join us as we begin a new series: “Jesus Betrayed,” and see the love of Jesus in the midst of betrayal.  

Jesus and Pilate: What is Truth?

July 9, 2023 • D. Kevin Brown

"What is Truth?" That’s the question Pilate asked Jesus. Indeed, perhaps that’s the question of our day. So many people purport to have the truth, or know the truth. But, the question remains: “What is Truth?” Truth is unchanging and it cannot be altered. If something was ever truth, it is always truth. Jesus said that He was “the truth.” Is that the truth? The answer is: “Yes.” And we’re going to see why as we see the riveting interchange between the Roman Governor, Pilate and Jesus. Join us and see THE TRUTH!  

Denial and a Rooster

July 2, 2023 • D. Kevin Brown • John 18:12–27

Can you imagine being reminded of your past failure every day? For Peter, every morning after his denial of Jesus, he was greeted with a rooster crowing…announcing his failure. Or could it be that Peter would instead be drawn to the seashore of Galilee where Jesus restored him, therefore remembering the Lord’s grace and mercy, instead of failure. You know we have a choice too. Either wallow in our past failures or come to Jesus in repentance and be restored. Join us as we see “Denial and a Rooster,” and how Peter’s example can instruct us and challenge us.