Will You Bow?

August 4, 2021 • Dale Jennings • Esther 3

God is Sovereign and is worthy of our worship and praise. If you were told that you could not worship God and you had to renounce that he is the only one worthy of true worship. What would you do? What if it meant death? Death of your family? What a sobering thought! Join us as we see this plot begin to be put into motion for one person, for a nation.

More from Esther

The Great Reversal

September 22, 2021 • Tim Miller • Esther 9—10

Our God is a God of reversals. What seems impossible from a human point-of-view is the very thing that He has planned for His people. Join us as we conclude our series in Esther and witness how God gives His people victory in the end.

Reversing the Irreversible

September 8, 2021 • Matthew McNeil • Esther 8

The Destructiveness of Pride

September 1, 2021 • Dale Jennings • Esther 7

Pride is the essence of all sin! Pride can cause sinners and saints alike to promote themselves so above everyone else that they can fall into pride's destructive trap. This trap can lead to a reversal of fortunes in a moment's time. Join us to see this scenario unfold in the life of Haman.