
January 11, 2023 • Matthew McNeil

More from Consider Job

All Shall Be Well

March 22, 2023 • Tim Miller • Job 42

Hope. It has the power to carry us through the darkest of nights. It was hope that carried Job through all the sorrow and anguish that he endured. God authored the end of his story in such a way as to provide us with hope as well. Join us as we conclude our series, Consider Job, and find encouragement that no matter how deep the darkness of night becomes, the day will dawn when all shall be well if we continue to put our hope in God.

Only God is Wise

March 15, 2023 • Matthew McNeil • Job 38—41

Correction.  Is.  Loving.  It says, "I believe you've got more in you.  You're WORTH correcting."  No, it doesn't FEEL loving in the moment, but it IS, and it's NEEDED.  Whether he meant to or not, Job had pitted his wisdom against God's (we do this more than we'd care to admit).  ONE of them was right.  Join us and learn WHY, in every situation, "Only God Is Wise."

The Majesty of God

March 8, 2023 • Dale Jennings • Job 32—37

Everything has been said that could be said, "Or has it?" As Job and his friends talked about his sufferings, "Did anything good come out of Job and his friends' debate, argument, discussion, whatever you want to call it." Did Job sin or not sin? Who knew more about God's justice and mercy? What is the one thing that never changed through the whole conversation? The Majesty of God! Join us on as we will be introduced to another actor in this drama and how everything is directed to the greatness, the wisdom, and the majesty of God!