The Rise and Fall of Nations - Part 1

January 21, 2024 • D. Kevin Brown • Daniel 2:31–43

No one could interpret King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream except for Daniel. Daniel revealed to the King that his dream was the revelation of the rise and fall of nations that would ultimately lead to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and His Millennial Kingdom. Nebuchadnezzar would learn that it’s the God of the Heavens who controls all future events. Now, we’ll be reminded that as nations rise and fall, those nations include people. People like you and me. For those who don’t follow God, their “kingdom” will fall. However, for the believer, we can celebrate and not worry about what the future holds, because we know the One who holds the future.

The Coming Tribulation For The World-Part II

May 12, 2024 • D. Kevin Brown • Daniel 12:4–13

Daniel lived during very difficult times. He served under four pagan kings and faced many pressures to succumb to the pagan ways of his culture. But he held fast and remained unmovable. Now we’ll complete our study of the Book of Daniel and be reminded of God’s faithfulness to Daniel and his people. We’ll be reminded that no matter what difficulties we face in this life, the Lord is with us and will take care of us. Yes, hard times come to us all, but we are more than conquerors in Christ! 

The Coming Great Tribulation for the World-Part I

May 5, 2024 • D. Kevin Brown • Daniel 12:1–3

For centuries people have had a fascination with what the Bible describes as The End Times. People have tried to predict when the end will come. But Scripture is clear, no one knows when Christ will return except God Himself. Yet, the Bible gives us clues and we can see those clearly in the Book of Daniel. Join us as we see the events that will lead to “The Coming Great Tribulation for the World-Part 1.” 

The Rise of Rebellion, the Antichrist, Part II

April 28, 2024 • D. Kevin Brown • Daniel 11:36–45

The nation of Israel continues to be in the headlines. Guess what? They always will be. And that’s because they are God’s chosen people. Hence, the diabolical leader, the Antichrist, will eventually come to power and seek to make peace with Israel and initially, the rest of the world. What’s his motive? It’s sinister and it’s evil. Join us as we dig deeper into how the Bible describes this satanic man.