Jesus' Magnificent Prayer

May 28, 2023 • D. Kevin Brown

Sharing Jesus' Glory

June 18, 2023 • Dale Jennings • John 17:20–26

When you think of Jesus and his glory, what comes to your mind? Jesus' virgin birth, as God came to earth and became flesh? Jesus' authoritative teaching? Jesus' miracles? Jesus' resurrection from the dead? Maybe you are picturing him on the throne right now in all his majesty and glory! Each of those would be spot on! There is one more thing about Jesus' glory that may surprise you. Followers of the Lord Jesus get to share his glory. Yes, imagine that for a moment! Join us as we look into this wonderful truth of, Sharing Jesus' Glory!

God's Word is Truth

June 11, 2023 • Tim Miller • John 17:13–19

In an age of relativism, there is a message that rings out loud and clear above all the competing voices. While everyone goes their own way, doing what is right in their own eyes, Jesus still declares that He has given us the very Word of God. His message is unchanging. His words have the power to change you. Join us as we see how Jesus’ heart burns for you to know that God’s Word is truth.

God’s Name Known

June 4, 2023 • D. Kevin Brown • John 17:6–12

Why did Jesus come to this earth? You say, “To save sinners.” Yes, that’s correct, but He also came to do more. Jesus came to make God, His Father, known to those who would trust in Him. He came to make God known, so that we could enter God’s presence and have fellowship with Him. For many, they only know “about” God. They know facts about Him, but don’t know Him in a personal way. Jesus came to change that. Join us as we see the joy of “God’s Name Known.”