
F.A.S.T. Fall

Fellowship And Study Together

October 16, 5:30pm - November 13, 2024 8:00pm

Mark your calendars for… F.A.S.T.

Fellowship And Study Together

Wednesdays: Oct 16 – Nov 13

Supper in the cafeteria: 5:30 pm (freewill offering)

Classes: 6:30 - 7:30 pm (childcare available)

Evening Prayer in the cafeteria: 7:35 - 8:00 pm

Every OSL member is invited!


Fall F.A.S.T. is just around the corner. Every fall and every spring we have a five week fellowship and education night at Our Savior Lutheran called, Fellowship and Study Together or F.A.S.T. This year we will be meeting from October 16 - November 13. The evening starts with dinner prepared by our very own school chef, Mrs. Diana Foraker. Come and eat and enjoy fellowship with others from 5:30-6:30 in the school cafeteria. At 6:30 we divide up for individual classes. Classes can be of any number of topics and subjects. Look for this fall’s topics in an upcoming Sunday bulletin. To end out the day, we return to the cafeteria to sing and pray Evening Prayer with the community at 7:30.


Plan on joining us this October and November for F.A.S.T. Child care is provided. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Cholak. 

Check back later for the classes being offered this season...

Contact Pastor Cholak for more information: 713-290-9087 ext. 206, or scholak@osl.cc