I Say

The Next Step

February 10, 2019 • Bradley Williams

In the final message of our ‘I Say’ series we encounter the most provocative and controversial saying of Jesus. Its application into our lives is often difficult, but it can be the redemptive force inviting us to consider who God wants us to become.

Intentional Action

February 3, 2019 • Bradley Williams

Some of the most provocative teachings of Jesus are used by many of us unsuspectingly. In today's message, we will explore how radical a life Jesus is calling us to live.

Are You A Promise Keeper?

January 27, 2019 • Scott Sutherland

We live in a day when people don’t live up to the word they give you. In this section of “I Say” Scott talks about the importance of keeping your word and being a person of integrity. This message will help you grow in truth telling and promise http://keeping.this message confronts your day to day following Christ as to keeping your word.

What God Has Joined

January 20, 2019 • Bradley Williams

In one of the most controversial teachings of Jesus, we will see an extraordinary quality of God emerge in the midst of numerous practical applications.

Radical Refusal

January 13, 2019 • Bradley Williams

In part two of our new series, we explore a countercultural teaching of Jesus that will challenge and encourage us to take a different approach to an important area of our lives.

Beyond The Rules

January 6, 2019 • Bradley Williams

As we begin a new year and we launch a new series, we will explore some of the more radical and revolutionary teachings of Jesus. This week we will see how who we listen to shapes what we believe and how what we believe shapes how we live.