Imagine Christmas

Imagine Columbia

December 31, 2017 • Scott Sutherland

God honors good planning. Laying out a strategy for your life, for your business, or even a church help you to succeed. God would have us all succeed - to use what He has given to us to the very best of our abilities. In this message, you’ll encounter some great strategies for life in this message.

Imagine the peace of Christ in every life

December 24, 2017 • Scott Sutherland

An ancient title, given 700 years before his birth, was given to Jesus: “Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). From scripture, Scott Sutherland lays out a pathway to peace. God desires His peace for every person. How do you find true peace? This message will help get you started.

Imagine a world that isn't thirsty

December 17, 2017 • Scott Sutherland

Throughout the Bible, God used water over and over and over to demonstrate His glory and power. That’s part of what Forum is doing this Christmas season by helping provide clean water and sanitation to a village in Africa. But beyond physical thirst, there’s a spiritual thirst that can only be satisfied by God. This message looks at God’s desire for everyone to experience living water.

Imagine a world with enough food

December 10, 2017 • Bradley Williams

Why did Jesus gravitate towards those that were the outcasts and the brokenhearted? What was it about Jesus that made people feel so comfortable and loved? In this message, we look at how God's care for His people is always demonstrated in action and we are challenged to do something in response.

Imagine a world that isn’t cold

December 3, 2017 • Scott Sutherland

As you read through the birth accounts of Jesus, aren’t there things you’d like to change? You’d like to make room for them. You’d like there to be better surroundings. You’d like things to be different. While you can’t time travel back to change those circumstances, you can make a difference right now in the lives of people around you. “Imagine Christmas” calls on dreamers to dream into action change through helping others aligning with God’s word.