August 22, 2021 Full Service

Who You Were Isn't Who You Are

August 22, 2021 • Bradley Williams • Romans 6:19–23

At the conclusion of our series, we explore one of the most challenging aspects of our identity - our past. We all have things in our past we are not proud of. Things we wish had never happened to us and things we wish we had never done. The good news is our past doesn't have to define our future. In this final message, we see how Jesus makes it possible to find freedom from the past.

Who You Were Isn't Who You Are / August 22

August 22, 2021 • Bradley Williams • Romans 6:19–23

At the conclusion of our series, we explore one of the most challenging aspects of our identity - our past. We all have things in our past we are not proud of. Things we wish had never happened to us and things we wish we had never done. The good news is our past doesn't have to define our future. In this final message, we see how Jesus makes it possible to find freedom from the past.

Slavery and the Life of a Christian / August 15

August 15, 2021 • Bradley Williams • Romans 6:15–19

Have you ever asked or wondered, "If God loves us not because of things we do, and He has promised to forgive us of all our sins, can't we just do whatever we want and then just ask for His forgiveness?" That is an excellent question with a surprising answer that we explore in this week's message.

August 15, 2021 Full Service

August 15, 2021 • Bradley Williams • Romans 6:15–19

Have you ever asked or wondered, "If God loves us not because of things we do, and He has promised to forgive us of all our sins, can't we just do whatever we want and then just ask for His forgiveness?" That is an excellent question with a surprising answer that we explore in this week's message.