The Right Direction

Part Two

January 14, 2018 • Bradley Williams

Many of us know that the smallest step in the right direction can make the biggest difference in our lives. Also, and as equally as true, a step in the wrong direction can result in some of the biggest mistakes in our life. Because we cannot see the impact of our steps today, we minimize their importance in shaping our lives. In this message, we explore a few practical steps to help us take a few more steps in the right direction.

A New Purpose

January 28, 2018 • Scott Sutherland

Every human being looks for purpose their life. It’s hard to know where to start if you don’t know where you are going but more importantly the “why” you are going? In this message, you’ll be challenged to examine your purposes in life.

Dreams, Drama, and Discipline

January 21, 2018 • Scott Sutherland

Some of the most significant steps we take in life are not physical but matters of the mind and the heart. Sometimes moving the heart “one inch” in a new or different direction is harder than physically moving 3 tons of dirt. In this vital message, you’ll hear how to gain a new perspective and change your mind and your heart.

Genesis and Creation

January 7, 2018 • Scott Sutherland

Throughout history, God has made major moves for humans. From creation to redemption to heaven, God has made some huge moves for mankind. What does God expect from us? During this series, we’ll see small steps man has taken and the big moves God makes in response. This first message helps equip and train you to trust God’s word, even when (especially when) it goes against some things connected to this world you find most appealing.