
What is a Church?

Church is for the World // Josh Petersen

November 26, 2023 • Josh Petersen

Have you ever spent some time figuring out what something is actually for? You know, the things you have just accepted as is but never wrestled with what for? The church can be that something for so many. But what is its purpose? Why does it exist? What’s it all about? The answer is way better and bigger than you might  imagine.

Church is not About Me // Justin Mathews & Josh Petersen

November 19, 2023 • Josh Petersen, Justin Mathews

Church can be a very disappointing place – especially when you’re looking for one that meets your needs, wants and preferences. What if it was never meant to be something that’s consumed? What if instead it was something given to? That’s an entirely different equation. Perhaps an equation that would make a real difference in our lives and the world.

Church is not Politics // Josh Petersen

November 12, 2023 • Josh Petersen

We all know the list of things you should never bring up at a dinner party. And at the top of this list is probably politics. Sometimes it seems like Christians have forgotten this – especially on social media. The problem isn’t that we talk about politics, it’s how we talk about them. Maybe if we focused more on that we’d realize they aren’t as tied to our faith as some might have us believe. Too many have walked away from church and faith because we’ve forgotten this.

Church is People // Josh Petersen

November 5, 2023 • Josh Petersen

Church is a loaded word for so many people. Maybe it brings up images of uncomfortable benches, stained glass windows and long, boring talks. Maybe it’s a strict set of beliefs you were forced to adhere to. Maybe it’s an organization you’ve intentionally kept at arm’s length. But what if we’ve been thinking of it all wrong? What if it’s not a building at all? Jesus said the church is people which means it’s more messy and meaningful to be part of one.