
Jesus Saves

Why Does the Resurrection Matter? // Dave Nelson

April 9, 2023 • Dave Nelson

People ultimately weren’t convinced to follow Jesus because of what he taught. They became convinced because of what they saw. The resurrection of Jesus validated who he claimed to be and what he came to accomplish. It also explains how a small first century sect, in a relatively unknown part of the world, grew to become the largest movement in the history of planet earth! TIMESTAMPS 0:00 WELCOME 0:44 WEEKLY TALK

Why Did Jesus Die? // Dave Nelson

April 2, 2023 • Dave Nelson

It’s so easy to forget what the Christian faith is all about. We struggle so much, work so hard, and fail so often that we frequently sense something in the equation of life must be missing. What's missing is a full and powerful understanding of the cross and what the crucifixion of Jesus really means. TIMESTAMPS 0:00 WELCOME 0:44 WEEKLY TALK