

Give // Josh Petersen

February 4, 2024 • Josh Petersen

People spend so much time trying to figure out where to invest their money. The goal? Make a difference. Sometimes that’s a difference in our bank account, but there’s a bigger one if we’re willing to entrust it to a bigger God. May not be more money, but the impact lasts forever.

Connect // Josh Petersen

January 28, 2024 • Josh Petersen

Sometimes getting alone is a good thing. But if that alone lasts too long, it starts to do just the opposite. Life is just not meant to be done alone – community is vital to thriving. It’s vital in following Jesus too.

Serve // Josh Petersen

January 21, 2024 • Josh Petersen

Let’s say this out loud: It’s not easy to follow Jesus. And church’s have created all kinds of classes and programs to help us feel like we’re making at least a little progress. But we spend a lot of time frustrated. Good news: it’s not that complicated. Grab a towel, bend a knee and serve someone else.

Invite // Josh Petersen

January 14, 2024 • Josh Petersen

Having a gym in your neighborhood doesn’t get you in shape. Sitting in the parking lot of the gym doesn’t either. You have to engage to see change. Church is kinda like that too.