
For Now

FOR the Community // Dave Nelson

June 23, 2024 • Dave Nelson

From adolescence to adulthood, most of us can resonate with struggling to find our identity. As we grow and change, we wonder “where do I fit?” and “how does God want to use me?” Our church has asked a lot of those same questions– and over the course of 15 years we’ve been able to hone in on what kind of church we want to be in this community. We’re just getting started!

Not Later // Josh Petersen

June 16, 2024

What do you do when your now isn't the now your later had in mind? Sometimes our best-laid plans fall apart and the situation in front of us will change where we're headed forever. How will you respond?

Right Now // Josh Petersen

June 9, 2024 • Josh Petersen

Why is it that every time we know where we’re going, how we’re going to get there and when we’re going to get there something gets in the way? Inconveniences. Hurdles. Roadblocks. We face these every single day with every single goal. And usually we spend a lot of energy trying to get around them, but what if we shouldn’t? What if there’s something to the “setback?” What if it’s not a setback at all? What if it’s a setup for something better later?

For People // Josh Petersen

June 2, 2024 • Josh Petersen

There are a lot of people just surviving in life. They’re making it through every day but not much more than that. The week is a list of checkboxes that they work through until the weekend. Truth be told, there are a lot of churches like that too. Just existing. But shouldn’t it be better than that? If there really is a creative God orchestrating all of this, there has to be a point…a purpose.