
Starting Again

Green Light

October 29, 2023 • Josh Petersen

Sometimes we come up against hard stops in life and aren’t always sure what to do. Often we think we “just give up.” Other times we assume we’ll need to start over. Neither of those options are appealing. And we think this way with work setbacks, relationship tension, DIY projects and even our faith. Maybe especially our faith. Jesus invites us to something different though: starting again from where we’re at. In fact, THAT is the very start of our faith.


October 22, 2023 • Josh Petersen

Grief can come from so many different things. It might be the loss of a loved one, a bad breakup, a canceled vacation, or big changes at church. Perhaps the hardest part of grief is moving on from it – it’s so easy to get stuck in. There is a time and place for it though because it’s often in these challenging seasons that God grows us most. So how do we make our way through grief in a healthy way that eventually we move past? We have to first understand what the grief is about and then check with God for where it’s going to take us.

Broken Dreams

October 15, 2023 • Josh Petersen

We all have dreams for our lives. Some of those dreams have to do with romance. Others are more along the lines of finance, career or even vacation. When our future plans are jeopardized by our current circumstances, it’s hard to keep from becoming cynical and bitter. God’s dreams are bigger than our dreams though, and sometimes present defeats are setups for later victories.

Sorrow is Holy Ground

October 8, 2023 • Josh Petersen

Sadness can be one of the most lonely feelings in the world. But there is somewhere in that sorrow where God resides. If that’s true, it changes the meaning of the sadness all together. And it ensures we’re never actually alone in it. God is close.

Endings Are Beginnings

October 1, 2023 • Josh Petersen

Inevitably we face events in life that make us question if God understands, loves or cares about us. It could be the loss of a loved one, a job, a marriage or even changes at church. Those all feel like endings that leave more questions than answers. But what if the end of that thing is actually the beginning of another thing? Well that might change everything.