
Did Jesus Really Come Back From the Dead? // Josh Petersen

March 31, 2024 • Josh Petersen

So much of what we’re told as kids is expected to be accepted. The problem is that as we become adults, we start to explore the expected and end up with more questions than answers. Generations have done just that with the resurrection of Jesus. Just like they did the day it happened, we’re all asking… is it real?

More from Is It Real?

Is Objective Truth True? // Josh Petersen

April 28, 2024 • Josh Petersen

Your truth, my truth, we all have a truth. But can they all be true? If all truth is relative then how do we actually know anything at all? Does your brain hurt yet? If there is such a thing as objective truth, then it means everything to everyone. And that’s… the truth.

Is the Bible Actually Meaningful? // Josh Petersen

April 21, 2024

We all grew up being told stories. Some were from bedtime books to help us fall asleep. Others were fables created to help us know good from bad. More often than not, these stories taught us to behave in a particular way and become good citizens as adults. When we grew up though, we learned those stories were just that: stories. We know now they’re not real and sometimes they’re not even ideal in the real world. Is the Bible any different? Why shouldn’t we just mature past it like all the other stories we were told? Because they’re not just stories.

Did God Really Create Everything? // Josh Petersen

April 14, 2024 • Josh Petersen

Where did all of this come from? That’s a loaded question, right? You might talk to 100 people and get 100 different answers to that question. One of the trickiest parts to answering, “God made everything” is the follow-up question: how? What if that’s the wrong question though?