Peace on Earth

The Story of Christmas in the Gospel of Luke

Receiving Peace

December 26, 2021 • Adam England

In the last part of the Christmas story, Simeon and Anna rejoice at the birth of Christ and bless Jesus in the Temple courts.

Peace on Earth

December 19, 2021 • Bryan Fojtasek • Luke 2:4–14

The people of Bethlehem didn't make room for Jesus, because they didn't understand the value of God's greatest gift to the world. What about us? Do we understand the amazing gift God gave the world when he sent Jesus to be born as a baby in a manger? When you understand how important Jesus is, you make room for him in your heart.

Jumping for Joy

December 12, 2021

Elizabeth and her unborn son John (the Baptist) show us what it looks like to receive God's gift in the right way.

Nothing is Impossible

December 5, 2021 • Luke 1:26–38

The Christmas story begins when Gabriel makes two stunning appearances--first the Priest Zechariah in the Temple, then to the teenage Mary on the outskirts of Israel. In each case, Gabriel announces good news about a miraculous pregnancy. Despite their vastly different backgrounds, both Zechariah and Mary would play a central role in bringing God's promises to fulfillment.