Dealing with Loss

Featuring Pam Findley, D.Min

Full Video

January 11, 2021 • Pam Findley

Pam discusses what to expect when our lives are turned upside down, the grief journey, and how we can find comfort in Jesus and our church family in times of tragedy.

Part 1: Dealing with Disruption

January 11, 2021 • Pam Findley

What happens to our minds and bodies when our lives are turned upside down by difficult news, natural disasters, or other unsettling events?

Part 2: The Importance of Community

January 11, 2021 • Pam Findley

How our Christian brothers and sisters can help us through the grief journey.

Part 3: The Grief Journey

January 11, 2021 • Pam Findley

Not everyone grieves the same way or on the same schedule, but there are some common things you can expect to go through during the grief journey.

Part 4: Helping Others

January 11, 2021 • Pam Findley

It's often a struggle to know how we can be a blessing to others and comfort them during their times of loss. Pam draws on her own experiences of losing her daughter and her background in counseling to offer some tangible advice on how to be a loving presence to our friends and family in times of tragedy.

Part 5: Taking the First Steps

January 11, 2021 • Pam Findley

When we're stuck in feeling of hopelessness and depression, it's hard to know how things could ever get better. We can get "stuck" in our grief without ever processing it in a healthy way. In this video, Pam discusses one of the best ways to take the first steps to healing: admitting your needs and finding a support group.

Part 6: Denial

January 11, 2021 • Pam Findley

Grief is a painful thing to confront, but living in denial and suppressing our feelings is even harder. As Pam says, when we bury emotions, we bury them alive. Christians are allowed to experience the full spectrum of human emotions, including anger, grief, and sadness.

Part 7: How Jesus Helps Us

January 11, 2021 • Pam Findley

Life is full of dark and difficult seasons. One amazing blessing of following Jesus is never having to walk those dark valleys alone. Jesus is always with us, and as faithful members of a church family, we have our brothers and sisters beside us as a constant source of strength and encouragement.