Making God the Priority

May 1, 2022 • Bryan Fojtasek • Matthew 6:25–34

One of the most important decisions we can make as a family is to invite Jesus into the center of our homes. God always intended for our homes to be an important place of faith formation. We have the opportunity to show how important our relationship with God is by the way we devote our time, our finances, and our energy.

Baby Blessing

June 5, 2022

Today we give thanks for the kids that God has blessed us with over the past few years at Westside.

Serving Together

May 29, 2022

1 Peter 4 teaches us that we all have a gift from God, and these gifts are meant to be shared. One of the five habits of Christ centered families is making the decision to serve others together.

Filled With the Spirit

May 22, 2022 • Bryan Fojtasek

Zerubbabel was born into a time of uncertain and adversity. His family--a long line of Kings--had turned away from God and brought about divine discipline on the people of God. Zerubbabel inherited a family dynamic that was anything but Godly. But Zerubbabel still had a bright future ahead of him... if he was willing to trust in God's power instead of his own.