A Place Where People Thrive

October 17, 2021

When you think of hospitality, what comes to mind? A hospital? The "hospitality industry" (like hotels and motels)? Or maybe you think of dinner at grandma's house, where everyone gathered around the table and was always welcomed with open arms.

Biblical hospitality is an attitude that starts in our hearts that is expressed in the way we treat people, especially people we might normally consider "outsiders." This series will explore how and why every Christian is called to practice hospitality--the ministry of being a gracious host to everyone we meet.

This first message introduces the idea of hospitality and focuses on the parable of the seeds and soils from Matthew 13. Bryan challenges us to ask two tough questions: Are we giving a warm welcome to Jesus and the Gospel message? And are we showing hospitality to people who are seeking Jesus?

Come to the Table

November 21, 2021 • Bryan Fojtasek

When Jesus sat down to have dinner with the Pharisees, he took the opportunity to teach them something about the kind of people God is inviting to his table. It's not just the religious experts and wealthy leaders of the community, but the poor, the outcasts, even the strangers on the road that God is inviting in. The lesson for us is clear: God has invited us to his table, even though we don't deserve it, and we need to make room for everyone else that God is inviting to be part of his Kingdom.

As I Have Done For You

John 13:1–17

A third reason why Christians are called to practice hospitality is because of the example that Jesus himself gives us. In John 13, Jesus shows us the full extent of his love by washing his disciples feet, an important customs that symbolized the moment when a stranger became a guest. Jesus often served as a gracious host, both to his friends (like in John 13), as well as strangers (like when Jesus fed the 5,000 in Matthew 14). After washing the disciple's feet, Jesus tells us that we will be blessed when we follow in his footsteps.

The Least of These

November 7, 2021 • Bryan Fojtasek

A second important reason why Christians are called to practice the ministry of hospitality is found in Matthew 25:31-40. Jesus teaches us that whatever we do for the least of these, we do for him. Welcoming strangers, feeding the sick, clothing the hungry--when we care for others, Jesus receives that as if we were doing it all for him personally.