The Priesthood of All Believers

July 31, 2022 • Bryan Fojtasek

If we understand our identity, we'll understand our purpose. 1 Peter 2 tells us that every Christian belongs to a holy, royal priesthood. Unlike the old priesthood in the physical Temple, which hardly anyone qualified for, every believer is part of this new priesthood because of what Jesus did for us on the cross.

Wholly Devoted to You

August 28, 2022 • Bryan Fojtasek

Living generously guards our hearts against distractions that can entice us away from Jesus. Paul knows that Christians face many distractions and temptations that can derail our relationship with God, which is why he calls us to drop everything else and take hold of the eternal life Jesus offers us.

The Ministry of Generosity

August 21, 2022 • Bryan Fojtasek

God has graciously poured out his blessings into our lives. And because of his generous blessings, we have everything we need to bless others generously. That's Paul's main point in 2 Corinthians 9:6-15. We hope this message about giving generously is an encouragement to you.

Healthy Rhythms of Discipleship

August 14, 2022 • Bryan Fojtasek • Mark 1

Following Jesus means living in the tension of self-care (Matthew 11:28-30) and self-sacrifice (Luke 9:22-23). There are seasons of life where we need peace, comfort and rest. And there are seasons when we are called upon to go out and serve. Mark 1 shows us the importance of finding a healthy balance between our service to others and our quiet time with God. In the story, there are people who need healing, people who need to be challenged, and some important principles we can learn from the example of Jesus. Chances are, there's a powerful lesson waiting for you in Mark 1.