Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

Hebrews 7-10

August 25, 2021 • Hebrews

Why did Jesus have to die in order to forgive our sins? Why didn't he snap his fingers or wave his hand and just wipe everyone's sins away without the cross? In this study, we'll look at the history behind the sacrifices in the Old Testament and why a blood sacrifice was required for the forgiveness of sins. Then, we'll connect that Old Testament foundation to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

The First Gospel Sermon

October 27, 2021

On the Day of Pentecost, after the resurrection of Jesus, Peter stood up to preach the first Gospel sermon. That sermon teaches us that all of us are guilty of putting Jesus on the cross, but all of us have the gift of grace available as well! Beyond that, Peter's willingness to boldly declare the truth about Jesus is evidence that he's experienced a dramatic transformation in his own life--the same kind of transformation we can experience through the power of the Gospel.

The Power of the Cross

October 20, 2021 • 1 Corinthians 1:18–31

The message of the cross might seem foolish, but for those of us who believe, it is the power of God! This Bible Study on 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 focuses on the power that we have as believers and the way that God uses the ordinary things (and people!) of this world to accomplish great things through his name.

The God of Self-Sacrificing Love

October 13, 2021 • Bryan Fojtasek • Philippians 2:5–11

Jesus gave up a lot so that we could be saved. Ok--that's a huge understatement! Jesus gave up everything we could possibly imagine--and perhaps more--so that we could receive eternal life. In Philippians 2:5-11, Paul helps us understand everything Jesus did to humble himself and give up his rights so that we could be saved. It's a powerful example of the way that Christians are called to give up our rights and what's best for us so that others can be blessed instead.