Session 9: Submission

June 16, 2022 • Bryan Fojtasek

Richard Foster says "the obsession to demand that things go the way want them to go is one of the greatest bondages in human society today." Submission, from a Christian point of view, is the spiritual discipline that helps set us free from that bondage. It means yielding to God's plan and desires for our life and choosing to value other people above ourselves... instead of insisting that things always go our way.

Session 15: Guidance (Part 2)

July 27, 2022 • Bryan Fojtasek

Tonight we continue our conversation on the discipline of guidance with a closer study on God's will, and the role that prayerful conversations with other Christians plans in our spiritual journey. We showed a video clip as an illustration that we are linking to as well.

Session 14: Guidance (Part 1)

July 20, 2022 • Bryan Fojtasek

God is leading all of us on a spiritual journey. No matter where we're starting from in our faith, our ultimate goal is to become more like Jesus. But since we're all coming from different places, each of us has a unique path to follow on the way. The discipline of guidance is when we seek God's will by having prayerful conversations with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Session 13: Worship

July 13, 2022 • Bryan Fojtasek

Worship is a spiritual discipline. It's something we intentionally choose to do to place ourselves in God's presence so that God can transform us into a better reflection of Jesus. Of course, we can go through the external motions of worship without ever really worshipping him in our hearts. In tonight's class we discuss worship from the point of view of our ongoing spiritual formation.