The stories relate that the treasures of the kingdom found in Jesus are greater than anything else we can ever find.
The story relates that God responds to a genuine heart that is truly sorrowful over a proud unrepentant heart.
The story reveals there is power in persistently asking God for justice to be done.
The story tells of an unsuspecting wayward son who didn’t know what he had at home.
The story tells that the one who humbly helps others is a true neighbor.
The story speaks that all are invited to enter the kingdom but only those who respond will be allowed in.
The story conveys that it’s not what we say but what we do with the gospel that makes all the difference.
The story underscores that God’s gracious forgiveness should compel us to forgive as we have been forgiven.
This story foretells that the kingdom of God will prevail regardless of those who try to stop it.
This story indicates the kind of heart that can fully grow the seed of God’s word into a full crop.
This story warns against being fearful of using what God has given you for His glorious purposes.
This story reveals the need to make all necessary preparations for the coming of Christ.