Covenant Life Talks

Exploring the Mission and Values of CLC

On Women's Ministry at Covenant Life

February 24, 2021 • Jackey Perry, Melanie Wilder, Charlie Jackson

What is women's ministry? How does discipleship happen among women? How does diversity among our women testify to the grace of God? How do events for women help jump-start discipling relationships within the church?

On Gathering Outdoors

February 9, 2021 • Justin Perry, Charlie Jackson

What is the church, and what is incumbent upon the church when considering the ordinances given to it? Why do we observe the ordinances outdoors during COVID and not on Sunday mornings? If I only attend the outdoor gatherings, what am I missing on Sunday mornings each week?

On CLI's New Semester

February 3, 2021 • Charlie Jackson, Kevin Wilder

What is CLI, and how does it help us accomplish our mission as a church? What classes are being offered, and what can I expect to learn from them?

On Benevolence

January 26, 2021 • Justin Perry, Charlie Jackson

Remembering 2020 and Looking Ahead

January 12, 2021 • Justin Perry, Charlie Jackson

The Mission Amid the Pandemic

March 26, 2020 • Justin Perry, Charlie Jackson

Covenant Life Church exists to display God's glory by making disciples who delight in God, live together in gospel-centered community, and work for gospel renewal in Tampa Bay and the nations. How can we hope to continue that mission when we are isolated from one another? Justin and Charlie discuss on the fiftieth episode of Covenant Life Talks.

On Residencies at CLC: International Missions and Church Planting

March 5, 2020 • Justin Perry, Charlie Jackson

Covenant Life Church exists to display God's glory by making disciples for gospel renewal in Tampa Bay and the nations. In an answer to our prayers, CLC will adopt two new residency programs designed to equip members as missionaries and church planters. Charlie Jackson and Justin Perry discuss these residencies and how the church can be invested in them through prayer and other involvement.


February 27, 2020 • Jim Hollenbach, Charlie Jackson

Christians will often desire for intimate, one-on-one relationships where spiritual growth can occur through more open and honest confession of sin, nuanced instruction, and focused study and prayer. While these are sweet and should be pursued, limiting the definition of discipling, or disciple-making, to those relationships would seem to miss the broader levels of ways CLC and other church faithfully make disciples through the regular means of church life. Jim and Charlie discuss how everything from the weekly gathering to opportunities for one-on-one connections are used to help make disciples of Jesus Christ.

The CLC Pastoral Internship

February 13, 2020 • Justin Perry, Charlie Jackson

The pastoral internship at CLC is part of our larger vision to see healthy churches continued and established in the Tampa Bay area and around the world. Listen to the discussion between Justin and Charlie to learn more about this program and how you can be involved.

The Ministry and Vision of Biblical Counseling

February 6, 2020 • Justin Perry, Bob Walker

Biblical counseling is a day-in, day-out ministry of the elders and many members of CLC. Over the course of the next 10 years, we hope to develop a team of biblical counselors who are led by Bob Walker that will serve the needs of the church at large. Bob sits down with Justin Perry to discuss this vision, and how we are taking active steps to see it come to fruition.

2020 Look Ahead

January 30, 2020 • Justin Perry, Charlie Jackson

On Members' Meetings (or, Congregationalism Part 2)

November 4, 2019 • Justin Perry, Charlie Jackson

What is the purpose of Members' Meetings at CLC? How do they help us exercise our congregationalism? If I cannot make it to a Members' Meeting, how can I stay up to date about them? If I have a question about content in a Members' meeting, how and to whom should I communicate those questions?

On Congregationalism

October 28, 2019 • Justin Perry, Charlie Jackson

CLC is a congregationally governed church, an autonomous body of baptized believers led by its congregationally appointed elders and governed by its own members. Sound confusing? No problem. Listen to this episode so we can break it down for you a bit.

Outreach During the Holiday Season

October 21, 2019 • Justin Perry, Charlie Jackson

With several public holidays approaching, opportunities abound for Christians to be in the company of unchurched family members, neighbors, coworkers, and friends. Justin and Charlie discuss how meaningful prayer and action can turn traditional events and family gatherings into fertile, evangelistic soil.

Making Disciples Through CG and CLI

September 24, 2019 • Bob Walker, Charlie Jackson

How do we make disciples at Covenant LIfe (Matt. 28)? Formally and informally. Among the formal, structured ways we seek to make disciples are Community Groups and Covenant Life Institute. You can learn more about these by listening to this episode of CLC Talks.