The Mission Amid the Pandemic

How the church and its mission continue through difficult times.

March 26, 2020 • Justin Perry, Charlie Jackson

Covenant Life Church exists to display God's glory by making disciples who delight in God, live together in gospel-centered community, and work for gospel renewal in Tampa Bay and the nations. How can we hope to continue that mission when we are isolated from one another? Justin and Charlie discuss on the fiftieth episode of Covenant Life Talks.

On Women's Ministry at Covenant Life

February 24, 2021 • Jackey Perry, Melanie Wilder, Charlie Jackson

What is women's ministry? How does discipleship happen among women? How does diversity among our women testify to the grace of God? How do events for women help jump-start discipling relationships within the church?

On Gathering Outdoors

February 9, 2021 • Justin Perry, Charlie Jackson

What is the church, and what is incumbent upon the church when considering the ordinances given to it? Why do we observe the ordinances outdoors during COVID and not on Sunday mornings? If I only attend the outdoor gatherings, what am I missing on Sunday mornings each week?

On CLI's New Semester

February 3, 2021 • Charlie Jackson, Kevin Wilder

What is CLI, and how does it help us accomplish our mission as a church? What classes are being offered, and what can I expect to learn from them?