Outsiders In

September 11 – November 27, 2022

Harvest Time

November 27, 2022 • Jon Morales • Matthew 9:27–34

"Harassed and helpless." Does this describe you? And are these sentiments magnified by the sense that no one notices or cares?  When Jesus saw the crowds in Matthew 9, this was precisely what he perceived — a mass of humanity, distressed and overwhelmed. But he didn't turn a blind eye or begin avoidance maneuvers. He saw them — just as he sees you — and his compassion turns to action.  As we conclude our Outsiders In series, Jesus invites us to move with him toward the harassed and helpless today.

Fame & Opposition

November 20, 2022 • Adam Mashni • Matthew 9:27–34

Desperation is a great motivator! We’ll try almost anything if we’re running out of options. This week, desperate people come to Jesus, sometimes bringing their friends. As Jesus heals and drives out demons, his fame grows. People are amazed, and some even believe, but not everyone is happy about it. These varied responses lead to critical questions about what belief accomplishes in us.

Why Women Flock to Jesus

November 13, 2022 • Jon Morales • Matthew 9:18–26

In this week’s passage from the book of Matthew, we witness Jesus heal two women. The younger, the daughter of a synagogue leader, had died. The older suffered from a chronic condition lasting years. Having heard such stories many times before, we may be overly familiar with Jesus’ power to resurrect the dead and heal the sick. But when we observe the cultural context in which these healings took place, a powerful lesson emerges that both women and men need to receive.

The Unexpected Kingdom

November 6, 2022 • Jon Morales • Matthew 9:14–17

Are you someone who likes change? Or do you prefer the way things were? Often, our answer depends on the lens through which we look. Last week in Matthew 9, we saw the Pharisees ask Jesus' disciples about the company he was keeping. This week, John the Baptist's disciples approach Jesus regarding his own disciples' behavior. While legitimate, each question belied how the different parties saw the situation. But Jesus' explanation brings clarity, and his vivid illustration provides a larger lesson for everyone, including his followers today!

The Call of Matthew

October 30, 2022 • Matthew 9:9–13

If you’ve ever picked sides in a game of dodgeball, you know how this typically goes. The first chosen are the best athletes available or the best friends of the team captains. Those selected in the middle are merely mediocre. By the end, captains might not even want the remaining few. But Jesus does just the opposite when choosing teams. As we press onward in our Outsiders In series, we see the Lord extend a call to the last person anyone would pick to be a disciple. If you at all feel unworthy to be a follower of Jesus, this message is for you!

Authority to Forgive Sin

October 23, 2022 • Jon Morales • Matthew 9:1–8

Have you been in the presence of someone almost famous? What was your experience? Were you underwhelmed, or did that experience exceed your hopes? As we begin Matthew 9 in our series Outsiders In, the reputation of Jesus precedes his presence. People are anticipating something special upon his arrival. But when a few men lower their paralyzed friend down through a roof, Jesus says and does things even the crowd and religious leaders don’t expect. It reminds us that Jesus is far more than a healer.

What Does Jesus Have To Do With Me?

October 16, 2022 • Brent Buttermore

After Jesus calms the storm on the Sea of Galilee, he and the disciples arrive on the opposite shore and immediately encounter two demoniacs. What happens next is not surprising – Jesus drives the demons out of the men. Less predictable is the destination of the demons and the community's response. The contrast displayed in the reaction of the two healed men challenges us to consider how well we receive the presence of Jesus.

The Storm in the Boat

October 9, 2022 • Jon Morales • Matthew 8:23–27

You’ve probably seen a YouTube video of a celebrity masquerading as someone else. Maybe it’s an old dude with grey hair dunking on the young guys in a pick-up basketball game or a motley-looking but great-sounding band busking in the New York subways. They appear among ordinary people in everyday environments, but everyone is shocked and awed when their identity becomes known. The experience the disciples had one evening with Jesus compares. When they all got in a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee, he appeared to be their rabbi and teacher. But a dangerous storm revealed him to be someone far different. Like the disciples, the story also makes us ask, “What kind of man is this?”

Easy Discipleship

October 2, 2022 • Jon Morales • Matthew 8:18–22

We typically ascribe outcome-based definitions to the terms "easy" and "hard." When we can do something ourselves, we say it's easy. If we're unsure of our success, we call that hard. But the stuff we believe is manageable often shows we don't know what we don't know. This week in our Outsiders In series, Jesus is on the move when he interacts with a couple of fellows who view discipleship as a relatively effortless endeavor. They quickly discover Jesus has a much higher view of what it means to truly follow God.

A Restored Humanity

September 25, 2022 • Jon Morales • Matthew 8:14–17

“Those people!” Have you ever uttered this phrase as an exclamation or in a sentence? E.g., “I don’t know what’s wrong with those people.” When we observe the manifestation of human brokenness and its ramifications, it is easy to lose all faith in humanity. When that brokenness invades our home, it is hard not to feel downright defeated. This week we see Jesus perform what is perhaps the smallest of his miracles – the abatement of a simple fever. Yet, this act reveals what heals the ills of all humanity. It promises the immediate impact felt in Peter’s house can also be a reality in our homes.

An Outsider’s Faith

September 18, 2022 • Jon Morales • Matthew 8:5–13

Football season has arrived! It's a time for fans to tune in on weekends and cheer for their alma mater or favorite team. But for some, football goes way beyond appointment viewing. Because there are fans, and then there are "the faithful." They're at every game, home and away, wearing team colors. They know the starters, the bench players, and the recruits. They show up early, leave late, and replay game highlights. Their faith in the team seems amazing. In week two of the Outsiders In series, we'll see a man approach Jesus, who wore a different type of uniform. He asks an expected question backed by unexpected conviction, giving us a glimpse of what having true faith really means.

Willing and Able

September 11, 2022 • Jon Morales • Matthew 8:1–4

This week Pastor Jon kicks off our Fall Series entitled Outsiders In: Jesus’ unique authority to make all things new. Over the next few months, we’ll study more closely Matthew 8-9, the miracle chapters, observing how Jesus established his divine authority through his connection with those living on the margins of society. With each interaction, his fame grew as people recognized his divine identity. It all starts when Jesus is approached boldly by a man with leprosy. What would this great teacher do in such an awkward encounter? Of course, Jesus heals him, but how he does so indicates our deep need to be healed as well.