Impossible Math

April 24 – June 12, 2022

The Most Cheerful Giver

June 12, 2022 • Jon Morales • 2 Corinthians 9:6–15

God isn’t just good at doing impossible math – he loves doing it! How do we know? Throughout the pages of scripture, we continually see situations where the equation doesn’t work. These are the spots where God is quick to insert himself and do what only he can. But the important thing is not that God can, or that God will…it’s that he genuinely wants to! In this last installment of Impossible Math, we’ll learn the key to having a generous heart and see what incredible impact that has on others.

Giving and Joy

May 29, 2022 • Jon Morales

So far in our Impossible Math series, the Apostle Paul has boldly asked the more wealthy gentile Christians in Corinth to prepare a collection for impoverished Jewish believers in Jerusalem. A big ask! The Corinthians seemed eager at first, but their enthusiasm has waned. To spur them on, Paul employs the example of the openhanded Macedonians and sends an advance delegation headed by Titus. But in case those are not motivation enough, Paul provides a further reason for making a generous gift, and it’s the best one yet!

Giving and Leadership

May 15, 2022 • Jon Morales • 2 Corinthians 8:10–24

Starting is easy. Finishing is hard. This is especially true with endeavors of consequence. Completing a critical project takes more than a plan – it takes motivation. Sometimes, a fresh reason helps us get going again if we’ve stalled. That’s precisely what the Apostle Paul provides for the Corinthian church – extra impetus to act on their honorable desires. We’ll see that these reasons are also essential for us when it comes to giving.

The Power of Giving

May 1, 2022 • Jon Morales • 2 Corinthians 8:7–9

As followers of Jesus Christ, we want our faith in God to be strong! We believe that the Holy Spirit is transforming us from the inside out, but sometimes there are aspects of our lives where we don’t connect the dots. One prominent area is our finances. How we view and use our money tells a story about our faith. This week in our Impossible Math series, we’ll learn that our giving not only impacts how we see God working in us but how others see Him as well.

Visible Grace

April 24, 2022 • Jon Morales • 2 Corinthians 8:1–6

“It just doesn’t add up.” How many times have you said that about your personal finances? Oftentimes, the stuff you’d like to do with your money doesn’t seem very possible – especially charitable giving. Once all of the expenses are added up, where does that money come from? The same was true for the Corinthian church. They had made a commitment to a giving campaign for the church in Judea but were struggling to follow through. That’s when Paul shares a story about another church that involves some impossible math.