
Journey to the Bottom

Week 2

August 20, 2023 • Jon Morales • Jonah 1:17—2:10

Who doesn’t love an underdog?

When someone at rock bottom makes it to the top, we can’t help but feel inspired. Whether overcoming poverty, addiction, or physical debilitation, many have said that coming to the end of their rope is the very thing that made them who they are today.

At some point in our lives, we all experience our own “Journey to the Bottom.” We can’t avoid the storms, so what do we do when we find ourselves sinking?

It was in his lowest place that the prophet Jonah found the answer. Join us tomorrow as we continue our series by discovering that answer for ourselves!

A Deeper Storm Still

September 3, 2023 • Jon Morales • Jonah 3:10—4:11

Throughout human history, millions have taken comfort in the notion of karma. At its simplest, karma says, “Do good, get good. Do bad, get bad.” But how do we make sense of it when an embezzler buys a Ferrari with your hard-earned pension – or a human trafficker lives in the lap of luxury? When good things come to bad people, doesn’t it tie your stomach in knots? Over the last three weeks, we’ve watched a biblical episode of “karma gone wrong” through the eyes of God’s prophet, Jonah. Join us tomorrow as we conclude our series with “A Deeper Storm Still,” by taking a hard look at our own opinion of who deserves what.

Turning to God

August 27, 2023 • Jon Morales • Jonah 3

The nerds. The jocks. The cheerleaders. Perhaps nowhere is the human tendency toward “us vs. them” more obvious than a high school cafeteria. Whether teenagers finding their clique or adults drawing battle lines over political views, theological stances, or football teams, we’ve all found a reason to think, “They’re not one of us.” This Sunday, we’ll see how even a prophet of God thought he’d decide who was in and who was out. Join us for our newest message, “Turning to God,” as we test whether there isn’t a bit of Jonah in us today.

Running from God

August 13, 2023 • Jon Morales • Jonah 1:1–16

“Run, Forrest, run!” Since the 1994 debut of Forrest Gump, millions of viewers have watched the famed Forrest literally run from his problems. Whether outpacing childhood bullies, dodging bullets in Vietnam, or nursing a broken heart, time and again the film’s protagonist flees the scene. Confronted with a challenge, Forrest did just what he knew to do: run. Can you relate? In the first message, “Running from God,” we'll encounter the man who puts even Forrest’s flights to shame: the prophet Jonah. Together, we’ll discover what Jonah was really running from and what it reveals about our own hearts today.