Prayer & Fullness

Week 2

April 14, 2024 • Jon Morales • John 17:6–12

It was a Saturday with nothing planned, so you decided to surprise your kids with a trip to Chuck E. Cheese. A few hours later, the tokens have been spent, the pizza eaten, and the last of their over-priced prizes secured.

From your seat at the table, you see the kids make their way over to you with smiling faces and, without a word from you, start gathering their things and putting on their coats. Your middle child remarks, “Wow, what a day we’ve had! You didn’t have to do this, you know, but you really made our day. Probably best to head home now. Thanks again for everything!”

If you’ve ever raised kids—or set foot in a Chuck E. Cheese—this might sound like an alternate universe. Perhaps something like this feels more familiar: “Can’t we stay just 5 more minutes! All I’m saying is we barely got any tokens today… plus I’m still hungry. Why can’t we get dessert? I’m only asking for one more ride, but you won’t even give me that!”

As parents, we work hard to teach our kids to say “thank you” and be grateful, but could we be just as guilty as they? Join us this Sunday to discover what our new message, “Prayer and Fullness,” reveals about the way many of us approach our own Father.