Always Yes!

January 16, 2022 • Jon Morales • 2 Corinthians 1:12–22

Do you have people in your life who usually say “yes” to everything, but sometimes don’t mean it? Even if their aims are good, their follow-through isn’t so much. It increasingly becomes difficult to not only trust their answers but also to credit their intentions.

This week we find the Apostle Paul in such a predicament with the Corinthian Christians. They found him fickle and were unsure if his stated aspirations toward them were real. But in Paul’s profound response to the Corinthians, we see the life-changing power in God’s response to us.

Superior in Every Way

February 20, 2022 • Jon Morales • 2 Corinthians 3:7–18

“You have to try this. It will change your life!” Has anyone ever said that to you? It usually means your friend discovered something far superior to what he or she had known before. Maybe Ms. Frozen Pizza was introduced to wood-fired pizza. Or Mr. Carnival Ride Guy went to Cedar Point for the first time. The experience is night and day. Likewise, the Christian life can seem mundane, even oppressive to some, with lots of perceived “do's and don'ts” and so many “shoulds.” But a true experience of the Gospel changes everything!

True Gospel People

February 13, 2022 • Jon Morales • 2 Corinthians 2:12—3:6

Though cultural issues are often complex, it is all too easy to become polarized, seeing only two sides. Sometimes the side with which we most identify can seem like the correct side... even the only side. When this happens our theology and our passion can grow entwined, leaving the clarity of the gospel a causality to our convictions. But Jesus speaks to all sides! This week we’ll see how a picture Paul paints in his letter to Corinthians helps us to refocus on being true gospel people.

Conflict and Three Tests

February 6, 2022 • Jon Morales • 2 Corinthians 2:5–11

Throughout the course of life, someone is going to wrong you. Or, you’re going to wrong them. And then it’s on! Being together has its challenges. Though the daily news is filled with stories of strife between nations and neighbors, the gospel calls Christ-followers to handle relational conflict differently, and better. How much better depends on how deeply the gospel has changed us.