Remember. Return. Redeemed!

Week 5

June 16, 2024 • Jon Morales • Isaiah 43:22—44:23

April showers bring May flowers.

Whether you’re tending flower beds, sowing a vegetable garden, or wrangling a lawn that seems to grow a foot a week, you know what a difference those showers make. Without rain, you’d be left with nothing but a crispy patch of hay and some floppy zucchini.

Biblically, water is often used as a symbol of life. We understand this, so we’ve invented hoses, watering cans, and sprinkler systems to keep our yards healthy under the summer sun. But there’s a type of dryness – the kind the prophets warn about – that runs much deeper than our lawns.

Join us this Sunday as our upcoming message, “Remember. Return. Redeemed!” reveals why our lives so often feel barren, empty, and tired – and where to find Water that never runs dry.