
Love Demonstrated

Week 1

January 7, 2024 • Jon Morales • John 13:1–17

Jennifer Garner made headlines this fall when a paparazzo captured a touching moment between the millionaire actress and a man experiencing homelessness. While passing out bags of basic necessities, Garner noticed a man without any socks or shoes. Moved, she leaned down, took off her own socks and shoes, and handed them to him.

The millions who applauded Garner’s actions reveal a truth about all of us—that despite the fame, wealth, and power we’re used to praising, there’s something about a humble, gentle act of kindness that cuts to our core.

Join us this Sunday as our newest message, “Love Demonstrated,” tells the story of an even greater kindness. One that changed the course of history. One with the power to change you, too.

What the World Does Not Have

February 11, 2024 • Jon Morales • John 14:22–31

Since its Broadway premiere in 1977, Annie has charmed and delighted audiences worldwide. From the stage to the silver screen, the heartwarming story of Annie’s transformation from a penniless orphan to a beloved, billionaire daughter has been told time-and-again. Annie’s rise from “the hard knock life” to “happily ever after” resonates with each of us. Why? We may not be Depression-era orphans, but don’t we long to feel the happiness on Annie’s face? To be chosen? Secure? Loved? Join us this Sunday as our newest message, “What the World Does Not Have,” tells the story of our own Mr. Warbucks—the One who clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow.

Divine Life, Divine Love

February 4, 2024 • Jon Morales • John 14:12–21

The goal of every great leader is for those who follow to one day surpass them.  It’s this principle that motivates coaches to raise up star athletes, the C-Suite to invest in up-and-coming talent, and parents to give their kids every chance at a better life. From families to Fortune 500 companies, we strive to see the next generation go farther and reach higher than ever before. Even Jesus claimed that those to come after Him would do greater things than He had—but how could that be? Join us this Sunday as our upcoming message, “Divine Life, Divine Love,” reveals His vision for our generation, and challenges us to achieve it. 

Overcoming a Troubled Heart

January 28, 2024 • Caleb Middleton • John 14:1–11

Whether the terror of 9/11, the desperation of the Great Recession, or the hysteria of the COVID-19 pandemic, the generations that make up our church today have known hardship. We’ve known grief. We’ve known fear. And that’s not to mention the storms raging in our personal lives—from broken marriages and lost jobs to addiction and abuse. Not one of us is immune. And we all seem to be searching for the antidote. Join us this Sunday as our upcoming message, “Overcoming a Troubled Heart,” offers healing to our aching hearts, restless minds, and searching souls.