
Unlikely Ways, Unending Hope

Week 6

June 23, 2024 • Jon Morales • Isaiah 44:24—45:25

Streaming services are filled with low-budget chick flicks telling the same old story.

From the millionth Cinderella story to the Prince of Who Knows Where falling for a small-town girl, these movies come and go without anyone blinking an eye. While the same-old and predictable are a dime a dozen, the films that top box offices and build franchises are of a different kind – original and unexpected. Among the greatest plot twists in cinematic history, this iconic line says it all: “No. I am your father.”

If we love unpredictability on the silver screen, why do we complain when things don’t go the way we expect in real life? Join us this Sunday as our newest message, “Unlikely Ways, Unending Hope,” challenges our response when God works in ways we didn’t see coming