
Veiled in Flesh

Week 4

December 24, 2023 • Jon Morales • John 1:14

Each Christmas seems to be even bigger and brighter than the one before. Advertisers vie for our attention through eye-catching displays, larger-than-life decorations, and—most of all—same-day shipping. And the $960 billion projected in holiday spending says they’ve got our attention.

The question is, in the haze of twinkly lights and Black Friday sales, have we lost sight of Christmas?

We hope you’ll join us this Sunday as our special Christmas Eve message, “Veiled in Flesh,” compels us to ask, “What has me marveling this holiday season?” Together, we’ll uncover what many have missed: the true glory of Christmas.

Fullness of Grace

December 17, 2023 • Jon Morales • John 1:15–18

For many, the Christmas season wouldn’t be complete without re-runs of timeless holiday films. Beyond the well-loved scenes of wintry weather and family festivities, you might be surprised at what many of these classics have in common: a second chance. From “It’s a Wonderful Life” to “A Christmas Carol,” there’s something about a new beginning—a fresh start—that draws us time and again. This Sunday, our newest message, “Fullness of Grace,” offers a front-row seat to the story of our own second chance. Join us as we experience the Hope that’s shaped the movies we love most.

True Light

December 10, 2023 • Jon Morales • John 1:6–13

“A person, device, or event which resembles what an individual or a group might be looking for, but it is only meant to lure them.” Historians estimate that decoys were invented as early as 2500 BC, when Egyptians placed clay ducks in the Nile River to bait and capture birds. Since that time, decoys have become a trusted strategy of hunters, soldiers, and even criminals seeking to attract their prey. What makes a decoy so effective? It looks, sounds, or feels like the real thing. Join us this Sunday as our newest message, “True Light,” exposes the decoys seeking to lure you and me today. In a world full of false hopes and empty promises, do you know the real thing?

True Life

December 3, 2023 • Jon Morales • John 1:1–5

Aptly abbreviated SAD, seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression noted for its recurrence each fall. At the turn of the season, millions begin to suffer chronic fatigue, feelings of hopelessness, and even thoughts of self-harm. What could cause such an epidemic? Darkness. As more and more daytime is shrouded in darkness, the brain suffers a chemical imbalance that disrupts sleep patterns and mood. For many, the antidote is shockingly simple: light. Unlike the fickle days of summer, the Gospel of John reveals a Light that never ends – one with power over the darkness in our own lives. Join us this Sunday as we begin our Advent series, The Arrival, which unveils the Light and Life that last.