Following Jesus

Become a Disciple that Makes Disciples

Find the Way

January 30, 2022 • Dr. Willy Rice • Mark 2:1–12

Miracles can happen, dry bones can live again, paralyzed men can walk, and sinners can be saved. What does it take from a church to help make that happen? We need three things

Bring Your Friends

January 23, 2022 • Dr. Willy Rice • Luke 5:27–31

You are here on purpose for a purpose. With God, nothing is an accident, where you work, where you live, who you connect with, and even your own family. God has you here on purpose and for a purpose, and discovering that purpose is a critical part of following Jesus.

The Firm Foundation

January 16, 2022 • Dr. Willy Rice • Matthew 7:24–29

When our lives collapse, there may be multiple factors at play, but one of the key factors is a faulty foundation. When a flawed foundation encounters just the right circumstances, tragedy can ensue. "How's your foundation?" What are you building your life on? How do you know that your foundation is firm and that it won't give way when the pressure comes?

Follow Him

January 9, 2022 • Dr. Willy Rice • Luke 6:12–19

What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? It sounds like an easy question, and you may think you know the answer, but we use all kinds of descriptions, and those words mean different things to different people. We use the words such as believers, Christians, church members, saved, saints, born again, and converts. Those are all good words; most of them are found in the New Testament, but what word do you think is the most common word used in the Bible to describe people who believe in Jesus, who follow, who live for and obey Jesus?