Question Your Answers

My Will Be Done

May 2, 2021 • Dr. Willy Rice

Nobody can tell me what to http://do...more than a denial of absolute truth; this fierce independence is an assertion of personal autonomy. I am my own ultimate authority and the highest good and the most admirable life is that one that is independent of outside control. I am the boss of me. The modern assumption of life is that no one has the right to tell me what to do. True happiness and real freedom come from resisting any outside control. I am the boss of me. the Bible tells us, to find true joy, the opposite is true.

The True Source of Our Identity

April 25, 2021 • John Antonucci

Identity is who you are at the core of your being. It’s what defines you intrinsically, at the deepest level. Tim Keller says your identity is “something sustained that is true of you in every setting.” We all have an identity, but the question is, ‘where do we get our identity from?’

Whatever Makes Me Happy

April 18, 2021 • Dr. Willy Rice

The problem with living by the ethic of “whatever makes me happy” is that you will end up living a very selfish life and in the end that will not lead to great happiness. Jesus invites us to question our answers. Instead of doing whatever makes us happy, He calls us to see our great need for God and to seek God’s help. He calls us to manifest God character in our relationships with others. It is in loving God and in loving others that we find the road to true happiness. If you are convinced that living for “whatever makes me happy“ is the way to real happiness, Jesus invites you to question your answers. He offers a different way, a better way, a way that leads to the blessed life.

My Truth or THE Truth

April 11, 2021 • Dr. Willy Rice

The idea of truth is the main issue of our day and in reality it is the issue of every age. What is truth? How do I know the truth? And today people are wondering, “Is there even such as thing as truth? Jesus was being questioned about His truth claims. He was, after all, making some pretty extraordinary claims, so we would expect some hard questions.