Rising and Falling

A study through the book of 1 Samuel

How to Regain A Lost Treasure

August 7, 2022 • Pastor Brent Reeves • 1 Samuel 30

Staying Faithful to God

July 31, 2022 • Sammy Rodriguez

David has been on the run from Saul for about 10 years now. David has been fleeing behind enemy lines. If you remember Pastor Dave two weeks ago went over 1 Samuel 24, the chapter just before this one. David had an opportunity to take revenge on Saul, the wicked king who has been. David however chooses to be the better man and does not lay a hand on Saul. In chapter 26, David is going to get another opportunity to spare Saul’s life. But in between chapter 24 and 26.. Is a story in chapter 25.. A story of compromise.. Where the great future king of Israel, the man after God’s own heart.. Is tempted..

Covenant Friendship

July 24, 2022 • Dr. David Rice • 1 Samuel 20:13–17

Refusing to Take Revenge

July 17, 2022 • Dr. David Rice • 1 Samuel 24:11–15

Revenge stories affect us differently. When we hear of them, we listen closely to learn whether we believe the revenge was warranted. In some cases, we sympathize with the one who exacted revenge. In others, we determine that it wasn’t “worth it.” There have been many great revenge stories in books, in movies, in history. Revenge may make for good entertainment but does it make for a good outlook on life?

David and Goliath

July 10, 2022 • 1 Samuel 17

How to Create the Future Today

June 26, 2022 • Dr. Willy Rice • 1 Samuel 16:1–13

Samuel is called to anoint the leader of tomorrow even though "today" Saul was still in place. This week we have been focusing on a rising generation, but in reality, it must constantly remain our focus as the body of Christ. How do you see the future today? How can we prepare for the future today? How can we make shape the future today?

When the Anointing is Gone

June 19, 2022 • Dr. Willy Rice • 1 Samuel 16:1

The Bible is full of stories of powerful Kings who enjoyed victory and favor in their life but who stumbled before the finish line. In a race, we must start well, we must run well, but above all, we must finish well. It's the second half that matters most. It ain't over 'til it's over.

How to Fail as a Leader

June 12, 2022 • 1 Samuel 15:22–28

We get to a certain point where we feel the pressure of those around us or the circumstance we find ourselves in, and it appears that the only way out is to compromise our beliefs, our convictions, or our standards even though we know in our heart of hearts it is wrong. But it’s difficult, isn’t it? We want to keep that job or stay in that relationship or keep those friends. We’re afraid, confused, and impatient. We lack faith, courage, or security so we give in. We compromise what we know we should not compromise because we believe we have no other option. We have to be careful that we don’t fall into the trap of compromising in areas where need to stand firm.

Who's Hiding?

June 5, 2022 • Dr. Willy Rice • 1 Samuel 10:17–27

God works in us so that He can work through us…God works privately before he works publicly, private victories precede public victories, and God works behind the scenes before he shows up on the scene, so sometimes his answers are hiding in the baggage.

You and Your King

May 29, 2022 • Dr. Willy Rice • 1 Samuel 12:13–25

There were questions being asked about government and national life in Samuel’s time, more than 1000 years before Christ. The Israelites were God’s people. They were in a covenant relationship with God, and God was working through them to accomplish His plan, which would eventually culminate in the saving of many sinners through His Son Jesus.

To This Point

May 22, 2022 • Dr. Willy Rice • 1 Samuel 7:2–12

How do you become a person of influence? How do you rise to fulfill your potential? How do you become what God has created you to become? Samuel was dedicated as a child, but he had to rise to the moment as a man to fulfill God’s purpose for his life.

How to Listen to God

May 15, 2022 • 1 Samuel 3:1–11

Hearing the voice of God is a big deal, but it's also a bit confusing. Does God speak to us the same way today? Do people hear God's voice? Is it audible, like I'm speaking to you? If I don't hear a voice, is something wrong with me? And what about the people who claim God is speaking to them, but they are doing weird stuff or are obviously emotionally troubled?

How to Trust God with Tomorrow

May 8, 2022 • Dr. Willy Rice • 1 Samuel 1:9–20

People are nervous about tomorrow, but nothing says I believe in tomorrow like having a child. We know that child will likely live beyond us, we hope so, and in so many ways, our children are our future. How do we trust our children to the Lord? How do we trust God with tomorrow?