The Harvest

The Church: An Unstoppable Force

November 21, 2021 • Pastor Brent Reeves • Acts 1:1–11

The last sermon in our Harvest series as part of our Missions Month at Calvary

Harvest Time

November 14, 2021 • Dr. Willy Rice • John 4:39–42

Right now, it may seem like an unlikely time for a spiritual harvest. Our culture seems hostile to spiritual truth, specifically the gospel of Jesus; we're angry, divided, and even many professing Christians seem lukewarm and uncommitted to Jesus. But God moves in ways we do not anticipate, and sometimes a spiritual harvest is simply waiting on the other side of our obedience.

Made for a Mission

November 7, 2021 • Dr. Willy Rice • John 4:27–37

Mission Trip

October 31, 2021 • Ron Cooney • John 4:1–26

It’s common for us to send people out on a mission trip, but we need to realize that our lives are a mission trip. Our church has a mission, and it isn’t just coming to gather. It isn’t just maintaining some status quo. We have been sent. We are on a mission trip.