The Movement

The Next One

September 12, 2021 • Dr. Willy Rice • Acts 8:26–40

Not For Sale

September 5, 2021 • Dr. Willy Rice • Acts 8:18–25

Is it possible that some people have what seems genuine, but in reality is just a cheap knockoff? Maybe that’s why it stops working when things get tough? Maybe that’s why something just seems off? Could it be that too many have sought a cheap spirituality that leaves us disappointed or far worse, it leaves us dead in our own sin.

The Full Gospel

August 29, 2021 • Dr. Willy Rice • Acts 8:14–17

There is such a thing as an incomplete gospel, incomplete doctrine. Any church or any gospel message that neglects the reality of and the ministry of the Holy Spirit is certainly not a complete gospel. There is a story from Acts 8, that gives us a picture of an incomplete gospel that became a “full gospel” when the Holy Spirit got involved.

Helping the Next Generation be the NOW Church

August 22, 2021 • Shane Pruitt • Acts 1:3, Acts 1:8–11

Special guest speaker Shane Pruitt

Simon Says...

August 15, 2021 • Dr. Willy Rice • Acts 8:9–13

The Kingdom of God is on the move. It advances. But as it advances it faces numerous challenges. Some of those challenges come because of the advance. Our spiritual enemy will try to stop the advance but when he fails to stop the advance he will often try to coopt the movement. Like an old pirate, they want to be on the ship, but they have their own agenda. What if one of our greatest challenges is not from people who reject the faith, but from people who accept the faith?