Above The Circumstances

June 14, 2020 • Dr. Willy Rice

Paul was beaten, betrayed, imprisoned, and more. Yet, he lived his life in joy. We, too, can experience the overflowing joy that is "above the circumstances"!

In His Hands

August 2, 2020 • Dr. Willy Rice

It has been a year of challenges and people are worried. The stress level in America has gone through the roof. People are worried about their health. They are worried about their family’s health. They are worried about their job. About school starting, about the economy, about the election. There seems to be no shortage of things to create worry in this difficult year of 2020. In many ways we are inclined to fear and worry. Perhaps that is why the most common command in the Bible is ”Fear not”.

The Secret To Contentment

July 26, 2020 • John Antonucci

Pastor John Antonucci shares with us how to find true contentment

To Be or Not to Be

July 19, 2020 • Pastor Danny Bennett

Paul reminds us in Philippians that we have the choice everyday to choose joy or not too.