A Future and a Hope

November 22, 2020 • Dr. Willy Rice

As we approach a season of Thanksgiving some of us are finding it hard to be thankful. Fear cripples, anxiety paralyzes, many people are looking at an uncertain future with foreboding and dread. Many of us are afraid. Afraid of what is happening in government, afraid for our health and the health of our loved ones, and afraid of the economics. What will the future bring? Is there a reason to be thankful? Yes. Now more than ever.

Knowing how and why to be thankful is the key to being thankful in all circumstances and being thankful is the key to real joy. During this month of missions we have tried to refocus on our identity and purpose as the people of God. We have been reminded of not only what Calvary is here for, but of who are as God’s people, where we are, and why God has us here for this season and this time.