
Don't Go Back!

November 19, 2023 • James Brignac • Galatians 4:8–20

One of the most interesting trends today is watching the advancements in technology. It wasn’t that long ago that the first iPhone came out. It was so new and revolutionary. Now, smartphones are commonplace, and they have advanced so far that we’d never want to go back to that original iPhone. The wonderous marvel of 2007 would be worthless now. The same is true in the gospel. Today, Paul is going to remind his readers to be careful about going backwards in the gospel. It’s a trap we can all find ourselves in if we’re not careful.


February 4, 2024 • James Brignac • Galatians 6:6–18

As we come to the end of our study in Galatians, we get a summary of the entire book from Paul. Paul reminds us of the freedom we have in Christ and reminds us to hold firmly to the cross!

Transformed Relationships

January 28, 2024 • James Brignac • Galatians 5:25—6:5

One universal truth is relationships can be difficult. In our passage today Paul will explore what makes relationships among Christians unique. Specifically, we’ll look at how the Spirit transforms relationships.

Spirit-Filled Life

January 21, 2024 • James Brignac • Galatians 5:16–26

Do you ever feel like a hypocrite as a Christian? Especially when we realize that as a Christian, we are just as sinful or perhaps more sinful than others in the world? It’s a question that most Christians wrestle with at some time. Today we’re going to see how Paul discusses this reality. The fact is that Christians will always have an internal war between the flesh and the Spirit. The real question is how can we make sure we get in line with the Spirit and what is the fruit of the Spirit in our lives?